Photo of the Month | Convention/Yearbook Contest
We hope you enjoy checking our members' amazing photography! If you have a photo you would like to submit for Photo-of-the-Month and the Convention/Yearbook Photo Contest, just use our easy form to upload and send us a picture!

June 2024 | Eli Belisle | Alice and her new puppy | Alice is ready for bear season with her new puppy, Rubble. She is helpful with all the hounds in the yard and isn't afraid to help carry bait into the woods. She wants to put out some new baits stumps but said her dad can carry them into the woods.

January 2024 | Scott Guldan | Fall Magic | Tim, a cancer survivor with a bucket list item of killing a bear. He made mistakes as a bait sitter and was unsuccessful in his one-week hunt. He ran into our group and asked if he could run a bear with our dogs before heading home. During his last day of being able to hunt, we ran this 230-pound bear, he shot, and his dream was fulfilled! Hunters left to right are: Chris Goehring, Matt Schnabel, Ken Bruesewitz, Richard Smazal, and Scott Guldan.

September 2022 | Josephine Bignell | Preserving our heritage for her | This girl has absolutely blown me away. I thought I loved to hunt and i thought I loved my hounds. At only 8 shes up every morning at every bait and tree. She loves to feed the hounds and she's the first to help wherever she can. She gives me hope for our future.

April 2022 | Mitchell Gebheim | Am I the only one that sees this is empty? | Last year I was driving 2+ hours one way a couple times a week baiting in northern Wisconsin. A few times I came home in Houlton and would find my bird feeder knocked over. I figured it was a bear so I setup my trail cam. I caught this picture which is just awesome. I guess he checks it for food before he destroys it.