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2025 WBHA Election Information

Voting for the WBHA elections will take place at the Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors has made the change to allow for more member participation in elections.

Each year, there are significantly more members who attend the annual meeting than who submit a ballot. Please take the time to vote!

Members who can not attend the annual meeting still have full voting privileges by means of an absentee ballot. If you desire an absentee ballot, email your request to: Ed Koenig, [email protected].

WBHA Board Candidates

Below you will find your WBHA Board Candidates. Each candidate has filled out the same questionnaire and these are their answers.



A little about you:

I live in northwest Wisconsin by a little town called Clear Lake. I have owned and operated a paint business for over 9 years now. I also help my dad with his construction business when I am able . Myself with many other family members have a hunting cabin north Danbury, we have hunted there since the 60s. I spend most all of my free time doing something outdoors training my hounds, trapping and fishing.

What are some of the things you feel you can personally do to further accomplish the goals of WBHA?

I have a flexible schedule and am easy to get along with.

If elected, what are some new initiatives that you believe WBHA should get involved with, and what current WBHA initiatives would you want to improve?

As a person hunting in area that yearly has new roads and trails shut down to only foot travel and knowing the WBHA is constantly watching and fighting these sorts of instances, I would like to see us look more into the areas and roads that are shared with the sharptail grouse habitat areas .

Why would you be a good candidate for a seat on the WBHA Board of Directors, and what skills do you have to contribute to our Board and mission goals?

I believe that many years of experiences and knowledge in the woods would contribute to the board and mission goals.

Are you willing to go to local meetings to oppose road closures, local ordinances that restrict access, or policies that have a negative impact on hound hunting?


Besides BOD meetings and the Annual meeting how much time can you commit per month?

10 hours

What days are best for you?

Monday through Sunday

As a board of director for the WBHA, you will be expected to attend four board meetings per year. Do you pledge to do your best to attend scheduled board meetings? (If your answer is no, please consider letting someone else take this position)


I understand and agree to the following statement regarding BOD Members:

When you fill out this form, you are expected to become part of a team that serves the WBHA membership. You will be expected to work to further the goals set forth by the WBHA Board of Directors. This includes timely communication and completing work assignments according to the goals of your committee. This is a working board, and you will be expected to contribute. By filling this out, you agree that you will be ready to hit the ground when called upon. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to strictly adhere to all WBHA bi-laws.



A little about you:

I've been bear hunting for over 30 years and on the board for over 25 years. Hunting with hounds has been a major part of my life. I would like to see it continue for future generations. Now that I have retired, I have more time to spend preserving the sport we all love. My daughters and grandkids should have the same opportunity to hunt as I did.

What are some of the things you feel you can personally do to further accomplish the goals of WBHA?

I can attend hearings and meetings regarding the sport.

If elected, what are some new initiatives that you believe WBHA should get involved with, and what current WBHA initiatives would you want to improve?

We need to get more dog hunting groups involved so we can keep dog hunting available for all.

Why would you be a good candidate for a seat on the WBHA Board of Directors, and what skills do you have to contribute to our Board and mission goals?

I now have the time to promote the WBHA to all groups of hunters.

Are you willing to go to local meetings to oppose road closures, local ordinances that restrict access, or policies that have a negative impact on hound hunting?


Besides BOD meetings and the Annual meeting how much time can you commit per month?

More than 10 hours

What days are best for you?

Monday through Saturday

As a board of director for the WBHA, you will be expected to attend four board meetings per year. Do you pledge to do your best to attend scheduled board meetings? (If your answer is no, please consider letting someone else take this position)


I understand and agree to the following statement regarding BOD Members:

When you fill out this form, you are expected to become part of a team that serves the WBHA membership. You will be expected to work to further the goals set forth by the WBHA Board of Directors. This includes timely communication and completing work assignments according to the goals of your committee. This is a working board, and you will be expected to contribute. By filling this out, you agree that you will be ready to hit the ground when called upon. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to strictly adhere to all WBHA bi-laws.



A little about you:

I've bear hunted for a lot of years. Been on the board of directors for over 20 years. I enjoy taking kids hunting especially handicap kids and help with wounded warriors.

What are some of the things you feel you can personally do to further accomplish the goals of WBHA?

Just do my best to help raise money to keep this association strong

If elected, what are some new initiatives that you believe WBHA should get involved with, and what current WBHA initiatives would you want to improve?

Keep pushing to somehow get a plan to control wolf numbers in Wisconsin

Why would you be a good candidate for a seat on the WBHA Board of Directors, and what skills do you have to contribute to our Board and mission goals?

My longevity as a board member

Are you willing to go to local meetings to oppose road closures, local ordinances that restrict access, or policies that have a negative impact on hound hunting?


Besides BOD meetings and the Annual meeting how much time can you commit per month?

More than 10 hours

What days are best for you?

Monday through Sunday

As a board of director for the WBHA, you will be expected to attend four board meetings per year. Do you pledge to do your best to attend scheduled board meetings? (If your answer is no, please consider letting someone else take this position)


I understand and agree to the following statement regarding BOD Members:

When you fill out this form, you are expected to become part of a team that serves the WBHA membership. You will be expected to work to further the goals set forth by the WBHA Board of Directors. This includes timely communication and completing work assignments according to the goals of your committee. This is a working board, and you will be expected to contribute. By filling this out, you agree that you will be ready to hit the ground when called upon. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to strictly adhere to all WBHA bi-laws.



A little about you:

I am from Amery, WI and love the outdoors. Avid hunter who has both hound and bird dogs, youth trap-shooting coach, and involved in my local sportsmen club recently serving as Vice President for the past 10 years. Bear hunting has been a lifelong sport for me that I enjoy with close family and friends and am committed to passing onto my grandchildren.

What are some of the things you feel you can personally do to further accomplish the goals of WBHA?

Being more vocal and engage in conversations with others about the future of bear hunting and all hunting sports. Be a positive representative of the WBHA.

If elected, what are some new initiatives that you believe WBHA should get involved with, and what current WBHA initiatives would you want to improve?

Communication to our members so they have a deeper understand of what the WBHA is trying to do and that it is working hard at protecting the sport.

Would like to see a pathway to have easier communication or a forum for our members to communicate with the board. We need to market ourselves better to get new members and get the younger members to be more active with the WBHA or influence others to join.

Why would you be a good candidate for a seat on the WBHA Board of Directors, and what skills do you have to contribute to our Board and mission goals?

Passion and commitment. Without the WBHA and their voice we may not have this hunting sport. I like to think outside the box and challenge to see if there are better ways to do things.

Are you willing to go to local meetings to oppose road closures, local ordinances that restrict access, or policies that have a negative impact on hound hunting?


Besides BOD meetings and the Annual meeting how much time can you commit per month?

More than 10 hours

What days are best for you?

Monday through Saturday

As a board of director for the WBHA, you will be expected to attend four board meetings per year. Do you pledge to do your best to attend scheduled board meetings? (If your answer is no, please consider letting someone else take this position)


I understand and agree to the following statement regarding BOD Members:

When you fill out this form, you are expected to become part of a team that serves the WBHA membership. You will be expected to work to further the goals set forth by the WBHA Board of Directors. This includes timely communication and completing work assignments according to the goals of your committee. This is a working board, and you will be expected to contribute. By filling this out, you agree that you will be ready to hit the ground when called upon. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to strictly adhere to all WBHA bi-laws.



A little about you:

I am a wife, a mother, and the owner of a veterinary clinic in Slinger, WI. I grew up in rural Wisconsin, so farming, hunting, fishing, and being in the outdoors was just a way of life. The first time I went bear hunting was with my best friend as a teenager. Nearly everyone in her family were bear hunters, and after she let me tag along for a few weekends, I was hooked. I loved the hunt, but I especially loved watching the dogs work. To me, bear hunting is just as much about watching the dogs develop and work as it is about the actual hunt. That feeling has stayed with me over the last 26 years, and I now hope to pass my love and passion for this sport on to my young daughter.

Keeping our hunting traditions and rights alive for future generations is extremely important, and for me, part of ensuring those traditions and rights are not infringed upon was to personally become more involved in protecting them. I had already been a member of the WBHA and had been helping with the annual raffle at the Convention for many years, but I decided to run for a position on the board of directors to become even more involved. Since then, I have learned so much about the behind the scenes, political aspects of protecting our hunting rights, which has only made me more passionate about continuing to fight for those rights. I believe that my background in veterinary medicine offers me the opportunity to share a unique perspective from someone that is both a hunter and an animal advocate by trade, and I have even submitted professional testimony to the state assembly and senate regarding bills that directly affect our way life as hound hunters.

I will continue to work with our board, our members, our communities, and our legislators where needed to ensure our way of life, our traditions, and our rights are preserved for generations to come.

What are some of the things you feel you can personally do to further accomplish the goals of WBHA?

I will continue to work with our legislative team to provide testimony from a veterinary professional's perspective on bills that directly affect those of us that have and run hounds. We know that the anti hunting groups are willing to go after hound hunters the hardest, and I look forward to being able to professionally refute their claims against us on a legislative level.

If elected, what are some new initiatives that you believe WBHA should get involved with, and what current WBHA initiatives would you want to improve?

I think providing better education about bear hunting to non-hunters is something that is important to maintaining our way of life. I think many people have a negative outlook on what we do because they truly know nothing about it, and they make assumptions based on their lack of understanding. I think this is especially true for hound hunters. If we can find ways to better educate the general public on bear hunting, and hunting in general, we can hopefully bridge more of the divide between those that hunt and those that don't. I also think it is important to try to bridge the political divide as best as possible, as we need political allies on both sides of the aisle when it comes to legislative matters.

Why would you be a good candidate for a seat on the WBHA Board of Directors, and what skills do you have to contribute to our Board and mission goals?

I have now sat on the board for the last 3 years, and I have been very involved with the annual raffle at the convention for nearly a decade. I have worked with our legislative team in providing testimony on bills that affect us as hunters. We have also discussed ways to potentially bring those that oppose us politically to the table to allow them the opportunity to hear about why we love what we do so much, and maybe bridge some of the political divide. Moving forward, I will continue to work with our board, our members, our communities, and our legislators where needed to ensure our way of life, our traditions, and our rights are preserved for generations to come.

Are you willing to go to local meetings to oppose road closures, local ordinances that restrict access, or policies that have a negative impact on hound hunting?


Besides BOD meetings and the Annual meeting how much time can you commit per month?

10 hours

What days are best for you?

Friday through Sunday

As a board of director for the WBHA, you will be expected to attend four board meetings per year. Do you pledge to do your best to attend scheduled board meetings? (If your answer is no, please consider letting someone else take this position)


I understand and agree to the following statement regarding BOD Members:

When you fill out this form, you are expected to become part of a team that serves the WBHA membership. You will be expected to work to further the goals set forth by the WBHA Board of Directors. This includes timely communication and completing work assignments according to the goals of your committee. This is a working board, and you will be expected to contribute. By filling this out, you agree that you will be ready to hit the ground when called upon. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to strictly adhere to all WBHA bi-laws.



A little about you:

I am the current president of the WBHA and have a wife and 2 sons and a daughter. I have served on the WBHA BOD for 23 plus years which the last 9 as president. My goal is to make the WBHA the most successful statewide hunting organization period.

What are some of the things you feel you can personally do to further accomplish the goals of WBHA?

We will need to reach out to other organizations that have the same basic goals as the WBHA. Management of wolves, land use and stable bear populations that are sustainable. We have to stop the trend of losing access to lands we were able to hunt on the previous seasons.

If elected, what are some new initiatives that you believe WBHA should get involved with, and what current WBHA initiatives would you want to improve?

A new goal for the WBHA is to work with other hunting organizations to find common ground when it comes to sustainable bear population numbers and managing wolves to a numerical goal around 350 once they are delisted. A current initiative would be to increase our membership, we still have way too many bear hunters that hound hunt in Wisconsin that are not members! We also have to keep pressure on local governments to keep land open the way it has been in the past hunting season.

Why would you be a good candidate for a seat on the WBHA Board of Directors, and what skills do you have to contribute to our Board and mission goals?

I have good leadership skills and know how to execute on the mission of the WBHA. We have built good relationships within the legislature, DNR, and other groups but we still have to expand on both. We need to stay ahead of whatever proposed changes we might face in the future and be able tot react quickly to the groups that want to end hound hunting. Making sure that we have a solid Board of Directors and a growing membership that understands what's in front of us will go a long way in accomplishing our goals.

Are you willing to go to local meetings to oppose road closures, local ordinances that restrict access, or policies that have a negative impact on hound hunting?


Besides BOD meetings and the Annual meeting how much time can you commit per month?

More than 10 hours

What days are best for you?

Monday through Saturday

As a board of director for the WBHA, you will be expected to attend four board meetings per year. Do you pledge to do your best to attend scheduled board meetings? (If your answer is no, please consider letting someone else take this position)


I understand and agree to the following statement regarding BOD Members:

When you fill out this form, you are expected to become part of a team that serves the WBHA membership. You will be expected to work to further the goals set forth by the WBHA Board of Directors. This includes timely communication and completing work assignments according to the goals of your committee. This is a working board, and you will be expected to contribute. By filling this out, you agree that you will be ready to hit the ground when called upon. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to strictly adhere to all WBHA bi-laws.