Questionnaire Section 1:

Tell us about yourself:

As a rural Wisconsin native, being an outdoor enthusiast has always just been a way of life. Growing up on one of the most biologically diverse rivers in the state gave me prime opportunities for hunting and fishing, and I grew up hunting everything from waterfowl and small game, to deer and bear. It also helped me understand the importance of conservation; to allow future generations to enjoy those same outdoor opportunities for years to come. I have since become very involved with various conservation efforts and hunting organizations over the years, specifically the WBHA, and I have been an active member for many years. I have worked behind the scenes at various WBHA events, including the Annual Convention, where I have assisted with the annual raffle for the past 6 years. Aside from hunting, I am coming into my 10th year as President of the Croatian Fraternal Union Lodge 993, and I spearhead the annual Croatian Day Festival in Mukwonago, WI. I also own and operate a small animal veterinary clinic in Jackson, WI.

Questionnaire Section 2:

With road closures severely limiting hunting access to large areas of timber company-owned land and county forest lands, we need BOD members who are willing and able to go to local government meetings and advocate for keeping land open for hunting. WBHA must continue devoting time to assure that bear hunting will continue to be recognized as a valuable activity here in Wisconsin.

Besides BOD meetings and the Annual meeting how much time can you commit per month? (Options: 2 hours, 4 hours, 10 hours, or More)

10 hours

How far are you willing to drive? (Options: 20 miles, 50 miles, 100 or more miles)

100 or more miles

What days are the best days? (Options: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Questionnaire Section 3:

What are some of the things you feel you can personally do to further accomplish the goals of WBHA?

I believe some of the most important ways we can further accomplish the goals of the WBHA are through education and awareness. So many people have absolutely no idea what hunting in general entails, let alone bear hunting, specifically. Most people also don't understand that hunters are one of the most important aspects to conservation of wildlife and their natural habitats. I believe that we as hunters and outdoor enthusiasts have a responsibility to educate non-hunters, and even the anti groups, not only through our words, but also through our actions. It is up to us to be the example of what hunting, specifically bear hunting with hounds, truly entails. We have enough individuals and organizations working against us as it is, but if we continue to set a positive precedent for our sport, we can hopefully keep our beloved traditions alive for generations to come.

Questionnaire Section 4:

Knowing that the HSUS has an unlimited bankroll, and one that is far superior to what the WBHA has, what would you be willing to do to save your sport?

As both a hunter and a veterinary professional, I have a unique perspective as to the importance of hunting, specifically bear hunting with hounds, on both wildlife, and companion animals. I have been involved with various animal and wildlife rescue groups over my 20+ year career, and I have always made it a point to discuss the importance of conservation through hunting with those running these organizations. I have also spoken at various events in an attempt to educate these organizations on the importance of working animals being able to actively pursue what they are passionate about, specifically hunting dogs, and I will continue to be a voice for our sport and our hounds on both a hunting and professional level.