Questionnaire Section 1:

Tell us about yourself:

I am married to my wife Renee, and have been bear hunting since 1969 in Price County and the U.P. All of my children and grandchildren have been bear hunting since they could walk. I am a retired police officer since 2000 and have been in the dog food, dog supplies and electronics. I have been in and out of the bear bait business for the last 20 years. Besides bear hunting I enjoy, fishing and bow hunting with my wife and family.

Questionnaire Section 2:

With road closures severely limiting hunting access to large areas of timber company-owned land and county forest lands, we need BOD members who are willing and able to go to local government meetings and advocate for keeping land open for hunting. WBHA must continue devoting time to assure that bear hunting will continue to be recognized as a valuable activity here in Wisconsin.

Besides BOD meetings and the Annual meeting how much time can you commit per month? (Options: 2 hours, 4 hours, 10 hours, or More)


How far are you willing to drive? (Options: 20 miles, 50 miles, 100 or more miles)

100 or more miles

What days are the best days? (Options: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Questionnaire Section 3:

What are some of the things you feel you can personally do to further accomplish the goals of WBHA?

I have been on the WBHA Board of Directors for many years and have served as Finance Chairman, Principal Director and for the last 6 years as the Secretary/Treasurer. During that period I have identified areas within the WBHA where the Association could cut expenses without cutting the quality of service to the WBHA members.

Questionnaire Section 4:

Knowing that the HSUS has an unlimited bankroll, and one that is far superior to what the WBHA has, what would you be willing to do to save your sport?

I would be proud to continue to serve the WBHA as their Sec/Treas, working daily to secure our finances in an event that our hunting enemies take aim at the WBHA.